Tracking Venus

Leo season came in windier than expected. There was an uplifting of the shoulders, a stretching of the heart, an arousal of the breath, and a swift kick in the chest as the lion brings us to the stage of our personal light. Leo’s energy has a salient relationship with Venus due to Leo’s rulership of the heart and chest, which is the space where Venus stores our passions and desires. Venus traveling through Gemini, Cancer and Leo is the theme of this post, as it reflects the shifting weight of immaterial consciousness manifesting in our reality.

Planet Venus Facts: A Hot, Hellish & Volcanic Planet
Venus. Credit: NASA

When Venus was in Gemini all last month, it was a time of gathering information. Knowledge about our desired aesthetic was accessible, as we pondered how to get to what we want. Venus brings to consciousness the lifestyle and routine that we want to operate in eternally, and all of the monetary, social, and aesthetical necessities that come with that operation. Venus is about creation, and while in Gemini, mental aspirations come to the forefront of our thoughts. Venus in Gemini is akin to a seed that is fulled with the information of life, but has not been cultivated to grow. This transit directed us to our passions and deep longings. Our desires may have begun their manifestation in our reality in tangible ways, due to our airy thoughts swirling to the soil. We know we have the authority to want things, and we see those things coming to life, but there is still some fine tuning required before we can settle.


Venus is currently in Cancer, and the warm of the ocean shares a space with Leo’s ambition and fire, producing a steaming off feeling. This transit is in the warmth of the belly. I think of the Spanish word for pregnant “embarazada,” derived from the Spanish word embarazar, which still has an alternate meaning of “to impede.” It’s a sudden shift in consciousness, and a slowing of the breath after the quickness of Gemini season. Now we can stop and breath in for a moment. Here the seed of our desire has been planted, and the water is added. Water can be volative as the waves tests our seed to see if it is sentiment to change. But the seed must die so that life can come. With this energy, there is a loss of words; the nonverbal manifestation of dreams. The gut feeling of losing control and laying your head back in the flowing current. Venus in Cancer is the fluctuating dance of earth and water, and the desires of our heart must be grounded and known for them to come to life.  Do the belly good.

Then, when Venus transits Leo on August 26, 2017, we will see the birthing of our light. This energy is wide open. We will be wide open about what we want, and the method of manifesting what we want. From the primordial waters of Cancer, Venus will emerge in the light needed to activate the seed. This activation will really begin on the upcoming new moon solar eclipse on August 21 in Leo. The solar plexus will be an energetic portal to receive the shine and confidence needed to feed our creation.

I rolled my dice to see which house should be the focus of this energy leading up to the eclipse:



I got the 9, representing the ninth house. This roll makes sense because this is the exact house the eclipse will be taking place. The sun, moon, and North Node will all be conjuncting in Leo in the 9th house on August 21. This is an important configuration because now is the time for expansion, higher education, and spiritual development. It is the time to move to where you want to manifest your harvest. It is the time to open your heart and experience a new way of approaching your dreams. You have the information, the manifesting methods, and the wisdom to grow and plant yourself. Enter a spiritual practice that grounds you as you understand that there are multiple modalities to one source. Growth is uncomfortable at times, but don’t make decisions from the growing pains; wait until you know when to connect to the source you need in order to decide with a cool consciousness. You can do things you need to do as the light strengthens you.


Much love and light

Dreaming of Cancer Sun 🌙

Oh cancer season. I want to share a few scattered thoughts about this energy.

Planets behave as we behave. The emotional nature of the moon is manifested most openly through cancerian energy. The birth of the emotional element of the zodiac brings to mind the things required of us to be whole, knowing the inner and outer layers of consciousness and subconsciousness. The sun casts its shadow on the surface of the moon, so our conscious awareness is ultimately connected to our emotional responsiveness.

What instantly comes to mind when I think about cancer energy is that scene from Belly (1998) of Keisha (Taral Hicks) laying across the bed in utter comfort and deep dark blue aesthetic:


Taral Hicks, Belly (1998)


This! Pure cancer aesthetic right here. The fittedness of the blue wavy texture. The darkness of the room, the snugness of the bed, the feeling of sinking into comfort. The sensation of slipping into a place of faithful stability. The depth of durability of uncovered skin.

The summer solstice of 2017 began with the moon in Taurus, waning crescent, in the sign of its exaltation. Powerful, adorned, relieving, like the exhalation after an emotional moment, the moon’s season commences with a discernment of the soul. The dream-like  state we feel when gazing at the moon. We gaze at this liminal space between the sun and the moon, murky as a trance.


Saturn’s moon Dione | The Cassini spacecraft | Jan. 27, 2010


I had a dream last night about being in a new house. The ideas of warmth and centeredness made me feel secure and whole. Cancerian energy is just that: the protection and security of arguably one of the most vulnerable parts of your composition—the soul. A house warming gathering of souls. The impression of pushing your heel downward into soft soil. Where wounds go to find healing salves.

The cardinal creator of the embryonic fluid. The stark awareness newborns have when they have learned how to control their necks. The elongation and celebration of the sun, knowing that emotions within rules the actions without.

Soul lurking Cancer.


The card I pulled for this post is: “Pictor” (Temperance) Air.

Image-1 (4)

This card represents the artist’s easel, a small tool used to make their work. Cancer season/summer solstice is the time to create. Whatever creative project or work that defines the self should be initiated during this season. The card speaks to love and support in the atmosphere from people around. If there are any negative energies stunting creative growth should have been cut off during Gemini season. Now is the time to create from whatever state one is in, and the very act of creation will bring the emotional balance needed to feel secure. The card has a small canvas and a simple paintbrush stroke in the center. The summer solstice is a time of regeneration, a blank canvas to create a personal masterpiece. Opening the heart to unknown opportunities, although it feels vulnerable at first, will be met with divine assistance and prosperity, only when the movement to create begins. Creation is a practice of healing and being the full self.